At midnight on December 31st, 2019, at New Year’s Eve gatherings across the world, no one could have imagined what was in store for us just 90 days later.  Something so small that it is only visible with a sophisticated microscope would cause the entire world to essentially stop and shelter in place with not even a vague idea of when things could resume to anything resembling “normal” daily life.  While this is a disturbing time, an uplifting idea is to consider that each person, regardless of their occupation or status as an essential worker, has served as a hero of some sort.  Whether you work in a hospital and have treated victims of the Covid 19 virus, stocked shelves at a grocery store during the early panic and the days following, transported goods by truck or simply stayed home as much as possible to guard against spreading the virus to those more threatened by it, we’ve all done our part.

At Autumn Trace Communities across the State, our staff and residents have become even more of a family than before.  With visitors unable to enter and residents sheltering in place for safety, they have found many ways to keep entertained and stay in touch with loved ones.  Lacking visitors, our residents have still enjoyed the fellowship among themselves and with our staff that they enjoy.  From games to window visits, hand-washing to hand-written notes on social media, personal mail to tie-died socks, they have banded together to maintain a lifestyle as close to “normal” as possible during these strange times.

From all of us here, we hope you have been able to do the same at home.  We also hope that if you or a loved one have felt isolated or just plain “bored” during the last few weeks, you’ll consider joining the Autumn Trace Family in the near future.  Imagine having so many close friends under the same roof.  Visitors are nice but in-house fellowship is simply priceless.  Keep scrolling for plenty of pictures and we hope to see you soon!


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